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Standing in Godly Femininity

"PUSH!!" The doctor says!

"HOLD IT…..PUSH 5..4..3..2..1."

"This is our last one, come you can do it! PUSH! Hold it 5..4..3..2..1".

"Congratulations, it's a girl!!"

"You did it," Your daddy told your mother as they high-fived.

You are born into this world, wiped off, and then handed to your parents. An hour into this world, you have a bow in your hair. Before the day is over, you are picture-ready, in the prettiest dress and the most adorable smile. To make you smile, your mother says, "You're the prettiest little girl in the world."

As you leave the hospital, you are put in a colorful floral patterned car seat, with the diaper bag to match. As you arrive home, you are greeted with smiles, balloons, and signs from an entourage of friends and family outside your house. Inside, there is your nursery in vibrant colors with your gender in mind. It had to resemble the one that your parents found on Pinterest. You have the top-of-the-line furniture that transitions as you grow, a swing for comfort, and measurements on the door because your mother is ahead of the game.

The first day of daycare is at a private academy that has the

best ratings. All your bottles are Dr. Brown's because they are #1 Pediatrician recommended. Your bibs, pants, and extra change of clothes all have the same patterns. On the first day of Kindergarten, you ride to school as a car rider because pretty girls do not ride the bus.

As your nanny takes you to school, she reminds you pretty girls do not cry. For the Kindergarten end of the year program, you are given flowers because you are special.

Now you are entering first grade, and it's showtime.

Your parents apply to get you into a traditional private school that will lead you into junior high. As you complete Junior high and high school, you move straight into adulthood. The latest fashions governed your every move, and you attempted to outdo everyone, at everything, because you were conditioned from the moment you were born that only the outer appearance mattered.

Is This Your Story Too?

Many women share this same story and have spent their entire life thinking, "if I look good, it hides my flaws." Some women have been doing it for so long that they have deceived themselves into believing it is true and call it femininity.

What if I told you that your femininity is not just about being pretty?

As a woman, you are automatically born with a unique touch of femininity. The mind learns through repetition, and you can change your patterns to reshape your life and be free from this moment forward. Far too many women struggle because of trying to live according to the world's standards. It is past time for not being conformed to the world but transformed by renewing our minds.

A report by charity Girlguiding shows that girls, influenced by the media and advertising from ages 11-16, are spending substantial sums on beauty products:

  • Nearly 8 in 10 shaves or wax their legs

  • More than 6 in 10 wear make-up to school

  • 4 in 10 shave or wax their bikini line and/or wear a padded bra.

What if I told you femininity is not a competition?

One of the biggest misconceptions is when you try to figure out who you are by comparing to someone else. The only comparison you should ever have is yourself!

TRUE Feminity

Femininity is inner boldness and the type of strength that does not depend on outward things. Femininity is limitless. The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself.

Femininity allows bravery to awaken you; as the famous worship anthem says, we are no longer slaves to abandonment, fear, unworthiness, insecurity, abuse, addiction, dread, comparison, or loneliness.

Femininity is confidence. Even in those uncomfortable times, the weapon is in your mouth. Femininity is creative. Let the challenge ignite your creativity, the obstacles.

Strive to be a better you every day.

You are who you say you are. Once your perspective is changed, it will

help you to transform your life. Your circumstances do not change what God requires of you. Doubt is a disease, and it infects the mind creating a mistrust of yourself and your abilities.

Do not fold while you are still unfolding.

Become your motivation to uncover every potential God has given you to and walk-through doors that are prosperous to your life.

This will help you to build resilience. Own your brilliance and your dark places. It can all work together to make a better you. Nothing holds you back more than your insecurities.

Rise Up and Push with Purpose! Stand in True Femininity!

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